My research spans public policy, nonprofit management, political science, and international relations. I study human rights and international nonprofit management and I focus on authoritarian regulation of civil society and international NGO responses to administrative crackdown. I also research causal inference methods, particularly using panel data.
Journal articles
Audrey L. Comstock, Andrew Heiss, and Suparna Chaudhry, “Derogations, Democratic Backsliding, and International Human Rights During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Journal of Human Rights (forthcoming), doi:
Pandemic human rights. / Backsliding states keep treaties— / signal compliance. -
Suparna Chaudhry, Audrey L. Comstock, and Andrew Heiss, “Pandemic Pass? Treaty Derogations and Human Rights Practices During COVID-19,” International Interactions (2024): 1–23, doi:
COVID policies. / Bad news for human rights? No. / Used as intended. -
Vincent Arel-Bundock, Noah Greifer, and Andrew Heiss, “How to Interpret Statistical Models Using {marginaleffects} in R and Python,” Journal of Statistical Software forthcoming (2024), doi:
Raw model results? / Stop! Hard to understand! Use / {marginaleffects}. -
Suparna Chaudhry and Andrew Heiss, “NGO Repression as a Predictor of Worsening Human Rights Abuses,” Journal of Human Rights 21, no. 2 (2022): 123–140, doi:
Look at state actions / —not formal NGO laws— / to predict abuse. -
Suparna Chaudhry, Marc Dotson, and Andrew Heiss, “Who Cares About Crackdowns? Exploring the Role of Trust in Individual Philanthropy,” Global Policy 12, no. S5 (July 2021): 45–58, doi:
When seeing crackdown, / people with low social trust / are fairweather friends. -
Steven L. Peck and Andrew Heiss, “Can Constraint Closure Provide a Generalized Understanding of Community Dynamics in Ecosystems?” Oikos 130, no. 9 (September 2021): 1425–1439, doi:
Fitness, turnover, / stability, evenness— / all due to constraints. -
Suparna Chaudhry and Andrew Heiss, “Dynamics of International Giving: How Heuristics Shape Individual Donor Preferences,” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 50, no. 3 (June 2021): 481–505, doi:
In trouble abroad? / Crackdown may be heuristic— / those who give give more. -
Andrew Heiss, “Taking Control of Regulations: How International Advocacy NGOs Shape the Regulatory Environments of their Target Countries,” Interest Groups and Advocacy 8, no. 3 (September 2019): 356–75, doi:
Flexibility— / what lets NGOs reshape / host environment. -
Andrew Heiss and Judith G. Kelley, “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: International NGOs and the Dual Pressures of Donors and Host Governments,” Journal of Politics 79, no. 2 (April 2017): 732–41, doi:
.Donors and targets: / institutional constraints / limit NGOs. -
Andrew Heiss and Judith G. Kelley, “From the Trenches: A Global Survey of Anti-TIP NGOs and their Views of US Efforts,” Journal of Human Trafficking 3, no. 3 (2017): 1500–1528, doi:
.Big sector survey— / NGOs like U.S. work / fighting trafficking. -
Andrew Heiss and Tana Johnson, “Internal, Interactive, and Institutional Factors: Towards a Unified Theory of INGO Behavior,” International Studies Review 18, no. 3 (September 2016): 528–41, doi:
.Study NGOs? / View behavior; policy / with a new framework. -
Eva Witesman and Andrew Heiss, “Nonprofit Collaboration and the Resurrection of Market Failure: How a Resource-Sharing Environment Can Suppress Social Objectives,” Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 28, no. 4 (August 2017): 1500–1528, doi:
.When money is scarce; / when objectives are not shared— / don’t collaborate. -
Andrew Heiss, “The Failed Management of a Dying Regime: Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s National Democratic Party, and the January 25 Revolution,” Journal of Third World Studies 28, no. 1 (Spring 2012): 155–171, no doi.
Management theory / meets political science: / Mubarak messed up.
Working papers
Andrew Heiss, “Amicable Contempt: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding International NGO Behavior in the Era of Closing Civic Space”
Suparna Chaudhry, Marc Dotson, and Andrew Heiss, Why Donors Donate: Disentangling Organizational and Structural Heuristics for International Philanthropy”
Suparna Chaudhry and Andrew Heiss, “Are Donors Really Responding? Analyzing the Impact of Global Restrictions on NGOs”
Andrew Heiss, “‘Some State Officials Want Your Services’: International NGO Responses to Authoritarian Program Capture Regulation”
Andrew Heiss and Meng Ye, “The Implementation of China’s Overseas NGO Law and the Operating Space for International Civil Society”
Andrew Heiss, “‘We Changed Our Strategy… Without Losing Our Values, Vision and Mission’: Mission, Money, and the Practical Operating Environment for International NGOs”
Andrew Heiss and A. Jordan Nafa, “Taking Uncertainty Seriously: Bayesian Marginal Structural Models for Causal Inference in Political Science”
Andrew Heiss and Meng Ye, “Clarifying Correlation and Causation: A Guide to Modern Quantitative Causal Inference in Nonprofit Studies”
Suparna Chaudhry and Andrew Heiss, “Derogations and Democratic Backsliding: Exploring the Pandemic’s Effects on Civic Spaces”
Book chapters
Suparna Chaudhry and Andrew Heiss, “Closing Space and the Restructuring of Global Activism: Causes and Consequences of the Global Crackdown on NGOs,” chap. 2 in Beyond the Boomerang: New Patterns in Transcalar Advocacy, eds. Christopher L. Pallas and Elizabeth Bloodgood (Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 2022).
Governments threatened— / NGO regulations / shift funding; missions. -
Andrew Heiss, “Causal Inference,” chap. 10 in R for Political Data Science: A Practical Guide, ed. Francisco Urdinez and Andrés Cruz (Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman and Hall / CRC, 2021), 235–274, doi:
.DAGs, inference, R! / Observational data? / Tell causal stories! -
Andrew Heiss, “NGOs and Authoritarianism,” chap. 38 in Routledge Handbook of NGOs and International Relations, ed. Thomas Davies (London: Routledge, 2019).
It’s complicated. / Dictators love NGOs, / but also they don’t. -
Tana Johnson and Andrew Heiss, “Liberal Institutionalism,” chap. 8 in International Organization and Global Governance, 2nd ed., ed. Thomas G. Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson (London: Routledge, 2018), 123–34, doi:
.Stuck between “ism”s, / liberal global theory / has rich past; future.
Andrew Heiss, review of Meghan Elizabeth Kallman, The Death of Idealism: Development and Anti-Politics in the Peace Corps, Contemporary Sociology, 50, no. 6 (November 2021): 486–88, doi:
. -
Andrew Heiss, review of Taco Brandsen, Willem Trommel, and Bram Verschuere (eds.), Manufacturing Civil Society: Principles, Practices, and Effects, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 26, no. 2 (April 2014): 728–30, doi:
Dormant working papers
"Sources of Advocacy: When Does the Media Give Voice to Egyptian Advocacy NGOs?" (with Ken Rogerson, Duke University)
"Discovering Discourse: The Relationship between Media and NGOs in Egypt between 2011–13" (with Ken Rogerson, Duke University)
Selected seminar papers
“Do Democracies Discourage NGO Cooperation?"
Replication and extension of Amanda Murdie. 2014. “Scrambling for Contact: The Determinants of Inter-NGO Cooperation in Non-Western Countries." Review of International Organizations 9, no. 3 (September): 309–31. -
“Explaining Support for Undemocratic Leaders in Democracies in the Middle East”
Replication and extension of Amaney Jamal and Mark Tessler. 2008. “Attitudes in the Arab World." Journal of Democracy 19, no. 1 (January): 97–110.
Abdel Samad, Hamid. 2011. "Farewell, Heaven (Wadaʿan Ayatuha al-Samaaʾ / وداعا أيتها السماء)." In The Literary Life of Cairo: One Hundred Years in the Heart of the City, edited by Samia Mehrez, translated by Andrew Heiss, 347–50. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press.
Prince, Mona. 2011. "Three Suitcases for Departure (Thalatha Haqaʾib lil-Safar / ثلاثة حقائب للسفر)." In The Literary Life of Cairo: One Hundred Years in the Heart of the City, edited by Samia Mehrez, translated by Andrew Heiss, 212–13. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press.